When the COVID-19 pandemic became the only topic of conversation for weeks on end, the amount of literature and information became overwhelming. This website was created to help everyone stay up to date with recent literature and current protocols in the Pediatric Critical Care Department at MCW.

Authors of the Posts

Dr. Kellie C. Snooks, DO

The person behind the majority of the site happenings is me, Kellie Snooks. I am a third year pediatric critical care fellow at MCW. I am halfway finished with my Masters in Public Health and this site is part of my MPH coursework. We are open to all and any feedback. Send me a message on form on the right or at my email below! You can find me on #medtwitter @kindly_kel

Dr. Swathi Prasad is a third year pediatric resident at MCW who has helped with the posts and summaries including vaccine development and social distancing information. She is interested in pursuing a career in emergency medicine. Her email is below.

Dr. Michelle Hwang is a third year pediatric resident at MCW as well. She was an author with Swathi on the Social Distancing post. She is interested in pursuing a career in primary care.

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